Watercolor Sip & Paint - 5/8

Watercolor Sip & Paint - 5/8

Watercolor Sip & Paint - 5/8

Regular price $35.00
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Join us for our second Watercolor Class on May 8th from 6-8 pm, hosted by the talented Hallie Marie!

Get ready to unleash your inner artist as you sip, chat and make new friends!!

This class is perfect for beginners or experienced artists! You will learn watercolor techniques, color mixing tips, and you will walk out of class with a hang-up-able masterpiece. Hallie Marie will guide you through the design process and  you can add your own personal flair to your watercolor creation.

All materials are included in your ticket price, including paint, brushes, and watercolor paper!

This party is B.Y.O.B., we will provide snacks and plenty of fun! All materials are included in your ticket price , including paint, brushes, and a watercolor paper! 

Find Hallie Marie on Instagram @doodlesbyhalliemarie

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